“Capitolizing” on Classmate Connections

November 13, 2020

By Lisa K. Brown, Ph.D.
Capitol Tech Online Quality Assurance Manager, Instructional Designer & Adjunct Doctoral Faculty

In today’s online learning environment, it is easy to forget that part of the college experience is to connect with your peers. These connections not only make for a great time today, but they can often turn into future professional connections, as well. Therefore, it is important not to miss the opportunity to make lasting connections with your classmates–even as an online student.

Let these 5 tips help you expand your online student network:

1. Join a club…or start one!

Often your classmates are just as eager as you are to make social connections. If there is an existing club, join it and find out how they meet online. Consider a coding club, book club, sports club, or even a fan favorite tv show club. There plenty to choose from and you’ll be glad you did. To see a list of Capitol’s current clubs and student organizations, visit their website.

2. Get with Game Night

Some of your all-time favorite games can still be played using Zoom or other video-conference tools. Some fun one’s to try include Charades, Trivia, Bingo, Jeopardy, Outburst, Taboo, or even Cards! Check out some of these options on the Marie Claire blog. You can’t go wrong with a virtual game night…so grab a classmate or two and let the good times roll!

3. Make the Grade

Fun is great but keeping those good grades is better! A study group is a great way to get the best of both worlds. Consider initiating a study group with your cohort or peers in a particular course. Maybe you could use some help or maybe you can offer some – either way, it’s a win for classmate connections. Google and Thinkbinder are great options to help facilitate your group studying.

4. Sync up with Social Media

Who isn’t on some form of social media these days? Most of them, like Facebook and LinkedIn, allow public and private groups. This is a great way to keep in touch with classmates, past and present. Sometimes, it’s not about school, just about feeling like you are part of a group. An added bonus is that there are even games you can play through the social media platforms, such as Scrabble or Uno.

5. Meet and Greet

Why stay home when you can meet for coffee, cake, or conversation? Even with social distancing and other COVID-19 precautions, there’s nothing that says you can’t meet a classmate or two in a public place. Sure, you’ll need to keep some distance (and don’t forget to wear a mask!), but a quick chat and a few laughs can surely manage the journey.

Virtual networking as an online student can be very rewarding and it’s not as difficult as you might think. Commit yourself to trying one or more of these ideas and soon you, too, will be “Capitolizing” Classmate Connections!