Office of Career Services -- Trainer's Tips

December 1, 2014

I like to think of myself as the Haymitch to your Katniss, the Mickey to your Rocky Balboa, the Tardis to your Time Lord, the Alfred to your Batman, the Splinter to your Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.  My job is to give you the tools to get into fighting shape.

Utilizing our state of the art combination of workshops, events, and individual appointments, the Career Services training program focuses on developing students and alumni as professionals, providing tools and resources designed to improve your marketability and increase your chances of securing a position.

We develop a four year training plan and program designed to prepare our students for the job market upon graduation.  Career Day and the Career Fair are the one-two punch to increase your skills, knowledge, and increase your connections to potential employers. We cultivate relationships with employers and post available positions on the Capitol Online Job Board to increase your stamina and options. Finally, as you prepare for battle, we coach you on interview skills and salary negotiations to close the deal and get the best possible outcome, leaving you the last one standing in the ring, with a signed employment contract in hand.

I will point out that, as your trainer, I do not fight for you; meaning we do not place students in positions.  We connect students to opportunities, advertising them equally and allow all students access to all postings.  We also focus on developing the student, providing the tools and resources to locate, analyze, and apply for positions, thereby creating successful job seekers at graduation and for the remainder of their professional life.  We don’t just want to win the battle; we want to win the war. We want you to be able to do it on your own, even though we will stay by your side, with free services to all alumni.

Available training tools:

Students - Whether you are an undergraduate or graduate student, I am available for one-on-one appointments in-person, by phone, or over google hangout or skype.  Also on-campus workshops and (coming soon) google hangout sessions will be available this academic school year. I strongly encourage students to start applying at least 3-6 months before graduating, and more if they hope to secure a job that requires a security clearance. 

Alumni - Our services are free to you as well.  You are eligible for any of the services offered to our undergraduate students.

Employers - Interested in recruiting our students and alumni to fill your available positions? If you currently have no positions available, would you be interested in promoting your brand on campus?  If so, please email me for additional information.

If you have any questions or you are interested in being trained by the Office of Career Services, please email

Sarah Alspaw
Assistant Director of Career Services and Graduate Student Support