Cybersecurity Strategies for Smart Cities

November 28, 2023

The concept of smart cities has been around for decades, but with the rapid rise of new technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT), cloud computing, and artificial intelligence (AI), they have quickly become more prominent and capable. However, as smart cities expand around the world, they are also facing new cyberthreats from attackers looking to exploit vulnerabilities to access private data, interfere with operations, or seek financial gain. 

Smart city planners and managers need to balance the potential for efficiency and innovation with cybersecurity, privacy protections, and national security, keeping their citizens, data, and critical infrastructure safe.  


city crosswalk with people


What is a smart city?  

A smart city is a community that uses technology to improve the quality of life for its residents, including upgrades to infrastructure, transportation, and public services. Smart cities also use technology to collect data about their residents and businesses, which can be used to improve decision-making and system efficiency. 

With cities becoming increasingly crowded, traditional infrastructure may no longer be able to meet the needs of residents. In the U.S., the rise of smart cities is also driven by competition. As demographics change and the geographic distribution of populations shift, smart technology can help make cities more attractive to businesses and residents, which can lead to economic growth and improved quality of life. 

By integrating data-driven solutions, major cities are transforming their physical infrastructure to be more responsive to citizens’ needs. Copenhagen, Denmark, uses technology to reduce its carbon footprint through improved infrastructure, which includes the use of sensors to monitor parking availability and manage traffic flow. Singapore uses AI to provide personalized health care and education, and sensors to monitor air quality and manage noise pollution. Austin, Texas, manages a smart water system that uses sensors to monitor water use and reduce leaks. Denver, Colorado, implemented a smart waste management system that uses sensors to monitor waste levels and optimize collection routes. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania operates a smart street lighting system that uses sensors to adjust lighting levels based on traffic and pedestrian activity. 


Protecting Smart Cities 

Smart cities are becoming increasingly common as cities seek to improve efficiency, sustainability, and quality of life for their residents. However, this increased reliance on technology also introduces new cybersecurity risks that must be carefully considered and mitigated. 

One of the primary concerns with smart cities is the vast amount of data they collect, which includes sensitive information from governments, businesses, and private citizens. This data can be a tempting target for malicious actors seeking to exploit it for espionage, financial gain, or other malicious purposes. 

A successful cyberattack on a smart city could have devastating consequences, including the disruption of critical infrastructure services, significant financial losses, the exposure of citizens' private data, and even physical harm or loss of life. Further, the interconnectedness of smart city systems makes it possible for successful cyber attackers to move across networks and cause a waterfall of disruptions


city at night


Steps to protect smart cities

In the face of these emerging threats, there are several actions smart city managers should take to protect their critical infrastructure

  • Conduct a comprehensive risk assessment. Identify and prioritize the critical infrastructure assets that are most vulnerable to cyberattacks. Carefully assess the security of components like IoT devices — how they store, share, and secure data — and conduct regular risk assessments of both their and their vendors’ reliance on external components. Assess the potential impact of a cyberattack on each asset and develop mitigation plans accordingly. 

  • Implement a robust cybersecurity framework. Establish a comprehensive cybersecurity framework that encompasses all aspects of critical infrastructure protection, including governance, risk management, incident response, and supply chain security. This includes using only trusted vendors and components and ensuring that the city’s own security requirements are clearly upheld by vendors. 

  • Employ strong access controls. Restrict access to critical infrastructure systems to authorized personnel only, providing the minimum access required for an individual to do their job. Use multi-factor authentication, require ongoing password updates, and review user access regularly. 

  • Implement network segmentation. Divide critical infrastructure networks into segments to limit the spread of cyberattacks. Implement firewalls and intrusion detection and prevention systems to monitor network traffic and prevent unauthorized access. 

  • Patch and update systems regularly. Use automated patching tools to streamline the process of updating critical infrastructure systems with the latest security updates to address vulnerabilities.  

  • Educate and train employees. Provide regular cybersecurity training to employees on how to identify and report suspicious activity. Emphasize the importance of password hygiene, safe browsing practices, and social engineering awareness, as well as conduct ongoing training for users on both the smart city’s automated processes and manual operations. 

  • Implement incident response plans. Develop and test comprehensive incident response plans to effectively respond to cyberattacks. These plans should include procedures for identifying, containing, eradicating, and recovering from cyberattacks. Maintain contingency plans for manual operations, as well as backup systems and data separately to protect from ransomware attacks.  


Protecting Smart Cities at Capitol Tech 

Capitol Technology University’s programs in Cyber and Information Security and Critical Infrastructure can prepare you to make smart cities safer, more effective, and better for their citizens. For more information, contact our Admissions team at