Come to a Virtual Open House and earn one free credit towards your master’s degree

Haven’t you always wanted to continue your education? Capitol College is offering graduate students who attend a Virtual Open House one free credit towards their first enrollment in a Capitol College master’s degree program.

Prospective students will earn a $549 credit towards their first course in a master’s degree program when they apply for admissions and attend a Virtual Open House, awarded only for enrollment in the semester following their VOH attendance. Students must meet the admissions requirements of the academic program to receive this credit.

Just like an on-campus Open House, a VOH is Capitol College’s way of acclimating potential graduate students to the online learning environment, helping them to make the hard decision of choosing a college that will advance their education and careers.

“Virtual Open Houses give students the chance to learn about our programs, speak directly to faculty and deans, and ask questions,” says Shonda Goward, assistant director of admissions operations. “Most importantly they are able to experience first hand our unique online platform, Capitol Live.”

Register now for the VOH on December 10, 2009!