Students Look to the Future at Career Day 2012

Capitol College undergraduate students had the day off from classes this Tuesday as they participated in Career Day 2012. Career Day is held every year in the fall semester and offers a variety of workshops and lectures to the college’s undergraduate population.

The day kicked off with the keynote address by Dr. Jayfus Doswell, the founder, president and CEO of Juxtopia, a Baltimore biomedical and IT company specializing in human performance monitoring products and services. In his speech, Doswell discussed “Jurban” a program sponsored by Juxtopia that challenges underserved and disadvantaged youth between ages 12-22, as well as historically black colleges and universities and minority serving institutions to innovatively apply science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) to build autonomous robots that solve dirty, difficult, or dangerous jobs in their communities.

After describing the program, Doswell introduced Blaze Sanders, a Johns Hopkins student who is working on team Jurban to enter the Google Lunar X competition. By entering the Google competition, team Jurban is trying to become the first privately funded team to send a robot to the moon, as the winning team will secure a $30 million prize. Sanders described the work he and his team are completing, as they plan each phase of their robot and its lunar launch.

Both Doswell and Sanders served as great examples of what students can achieve by following through on their education and pursuing challenging opportunities.

Following the keynote, students were grouped by graduating class and completed a variety of workshops. Freshmen first heard about the benefits of the college’s career center and various leadership opportunities that are available on campus. They then completed a resume writing workshop before learning business etiquette.

Sophomores and juniors also participated in workshops that dealt with cover letter writing and how to secure internships before graduating. Sophomores then took part in the business etiquette session while the juniors participated in the “Mastering Traditional Interview, Before, During and After.” Seniors were tutored on how to network effectively and thrive at business lunches. A LinkedIn seminar was then offered, followed by the interview workshop.

Following the workshops and lectures, the undergraduates gathered for the club fair, which allowed students to learn more about the numerous clubs available on campus.

Career Day is an important event on the Capitol campus. It’s just one example of how the school prepares students to hit the ground running, well before they graduate.