Capitol Tech B.S Computer Science Students to Learn Advanced Machine Learning 

July 13, 2020

Curriculum changes to the B.S. Computer Science, beginning from this coming fall semester, will give Capitol Tech BS Computer Science students much greater exposure to advanced machine learning and applied artificial intelligence skills. 

“These high end skills will position our Computer Science graduates to prepare to move towards some of the most outstanding career paths in the country, and push the edge of what is currently technologically possible,” indicates Dr. Robert Steele, Chair and Professor of Computer Science. “The demand for Computer Science graduates with these skills is great amongst industry employers, surrounding government agencies and for national competitiveness and innovative capacity in general.”

These career paths include machine learning engineer, average salary of $121,000, enterprise architect, average salary of $122,585 and data scientist, average salary of $100,0001

New additions to the BS Computer Science curriculum will include curriculum covering deep learning, advanced neural networks, computer vision, natural language processing and text mining amongst various other advanced applied artificial intelligence skills. 

Click here to see a full list of career pathways matched to the BS Computer Science or contact Dr. Steele with questions directly at  

 1. Salary data from 2019 Glassdoor salary data